Women's Grass Competition


Tory Wicks Memorial Fields, Meadowbank Park, Meadowbank


Competition begins: Saturday, 6th April 2024

Match Times:1.15pm and 2.45

Competition Draw  No games Easter, King's Birthday or last weekend in July.

Umpire Schedule If you are interested in umpiring please contact Carolyn Parry on info@nwsha.com.au


NWSHA offers the opportunity for teams or individuals to join its field hockey competition played on grass fields at Meadowbank on Saturday afternoons.


Reasons your club, school or you should play


  • Have fun!.

  • Affordable, ~ $1 000 per team ie less than $100 per player for about 16+ games played April to August (plus HNSW membership).

  • Supportive playing environment for women & girls twelve years and older.

  • Combine anaerobic fitness with game and skill development with experienced players.

  • Family friendly environment with facilities for young children.

  • Equipment support may be available ie goalie kits, uniforms or sticks.

  • Accessible bus, train & ferry services within walking distance or parking on site.


For more information contact NWSHA ( info@nwsha.com.auor contact a current club direct


Baulkam Hills Women’s, Epping Women , Kellyville-Merrylands , Wenty Hockey , West Rugby Women's





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